Quick Guide: Documents – Dashboard + Filters


  • Attachment – Attachments are various forms, letters and other paperwork that reside within a Document.
  • Document – A Document consists of pertinent attachments that reside within a Docket. Documents can be categorized as Public or Trade Secret, dependent on whether the information disclosed is confidential.
  • Docket – A Docket is essentially a folder that contains the Documents that have been filed to the Court.

Dashboard Filters

Once a user logs into GovLink, they will be taken to the Dashboard that contains their workflow. The user has multiple options to filter their Dashboard.

  • Document Status – Users can select from PendingAcceptedRejected, or All
  • Industry – Users can select from Agents and Agency LicensingElectricGasGUFPAInsurance Product RegulationLegalPower, and Safety Fire.
  • Work Group – User can filter by associated work groups.
  • Assigned To – User can filter filings on their dashboard to see only Documents that have been assigned to a specific user. If you want to see filings that currently do not have a user assigned, select “Any”.
  • Document Description – This filter allows the user to search by the Document Description.
  • Search – User can filter Documents by information such as the Docket or Document number.