⚠️ Current Issues

⚠️ Unable to select party types?

  • Frozen on the Parties step and unable to select your party types? Chat in with us or follow the simple steps here in this handy walk through:

⚠️ Docket ID importance

  • Important tip that will save you time! When importing a case into GovLink, if the Docket ID is listed in LASES, you must include the Docket ID when importing the case into GovLink. Although it is possible to import without the Docket ID, this is reserved for new cases not yet filed with the court. If there is a Docket ID listed in LASES and you do not include it when importing or accepting into GovLink, there will be errors returned for the CALO messages and they will not go back into LASES. The Docket ID in GovLink must always be an exact match of the Docket ID in LASES. The opposite is also true; if you accept a case in GovLink and assign a Docket ID, you must also be sure to enter that Docket ID in LASES. The CALO messages depend on this match.

⚠️ LASES ID disappearing when typed

  • This is a pesky problem we’ve been investigating and attempting to nail down the cause so that we can fix it, but it’s remained a mystery for us. We won’t give up though! In the meantime, you can bypass this error by using copy/paste. Copy the LASES ID, paste it into the box, copy the Docket ID, click on the Docket ID box if applicable (DON’T USE TAB), paste it into the box, click on the Parish dropdown (DON’T USE TAB), choose the parish and click Import Data. If you still have trouble, refresh your screen and try these steps again.

⚠️ Document format looks different after being uploaded

  • This is a compatibility problem. What does that mean? You’ve likely uploaded a document created with an outdated version of Microsoft Word. If your file extension is .doc, try using your Save As function in Word to save the file as .docx.

⚠️ Docket ID appearing as N/A on printed referral

  • Whoops! This is a bug we are currently working on. Stay tuned!

⚠️ Not able to select party types after hitting clicking Refresh Data on Step 1?

  • If you have permission to edit party types, this could be related to a bug we are currently working on. Use the handy chat bubble to contact our support team and we will take care of it for ya!

Getting an error not found on this page? Still have questions? Don’t forget! Our concierge team is waiting in the chat bubble. Always real people… always happy to help!