Quick Guide: Court Filings

Court Filings

To find a Court Filing in GovLink – 

  • Select Court Filings from the top of the screen.

Filter Options –

The user can use the filters to narrow down and locate specific Court Filings. 

  • Filing Status – Users can select from Filed, Unfiled, Accepted, Rejected or All.
  • Work Group – Users can filter by associated work groups.
  • Assigned To – Users can filter filings on their dashboard to see only Court Filings that have been assigned to a specific user. If you want to see filings that currently do not have a user assigned, select “Any”.
  • Created By – Users can filter by the creator of the Court Filing.
  • County – Users can filter by the associated county.
  • Search – User can filter Court Filings by information such as the Defendant or External ID.