Quick Guide: System Settings

User Management

GovLink provides the tools to create new users and manage the settings for existing users:

  • Profile – Username, Name, Role, Bar Number, Address, and Phone Number
  • Role – Admin, Attorney, External, and Internal
  • Notifications – Assignment updates, Filing Status, etc. 
  • Permissions – External Company Managements, Reporting, User Management
  • Signature – Upload a signature file for users with Signing permission.


For each user who has permissions to add or edit user accounts, a gray gear icon appears to the left of the user’s initials.

  • Click the gear, then select “User Management”. 

The User Management page displays a list of all users associated. Find a specific user by utilizing the filters to search by Name, Location, Role, and Status.

Create a New User

To add a new user that does not appear in GovLink:

  • Click New User
  • Complete the required information on the Profile tab.
  • The email address must be unique to create the new user.
  • Click Save to create the new user, this will trigger an email notification to the user.
  • Proceed to the Locations, Notifications, and Permissions tabs. Don’t forget to save!
  • To close the window, click the in the top right corner.

Work Group Management

GovLink provides the tools to create new work groups and manage the profile information for existing work groups:

  • Work Group Information – Workgroup Name and associated User are required data.

External Company Management

GovLink provides the tools to create new external companies and manage the profile information for existing companies:

  • Company Information – Name, Type, External ID, Address, Phone Number


For each user who has permissions to add or edit External Companies, a gray gear icon appears to the left of the user’s initials.

  • Click the gear, then select “External Company Management”. 
  • The External Company Management page displays a list of all External Companies. Find a specific company by utilizing the filters to search by Name or Status.