💬 Popular Questions

While all questions are welcome, some are more popular than others. Check out this list of common questions!

I can’t locate the case I need when searching under Court Cases. What do I do?

If this is a reciprocal case, try using the Advanced Filters option just under the search criteria. Click Advanced Filters and change the case category to Domestic Relations when searching. If this is not a reciprocal case and there is still no search result, be sure the court case number you are searching for identically matches the court’s case number format. If this if a case you have eFiled through GovLink previously, you can search under My Cases > Advanced Filters to search by the DCS#. If you’re still unable to find your case, send our team a message in the chat bubble. We’ll be happy to help out!

I can’t locate the filing I need when searching under the Filings dashboard. What do I do?

Usually, this problem is the result of search filters. In order to clear all filters to search for all filings, be sure to set every filter to ALL or ANY. This especially includes the Assigned To filter as this defaults to filings assigned to you. If you are searching for a filing that has been assigned to another user, you’ll want to be sure to set this filter to the other user or to ANY in order to have search results returned for the case number you are looking for. This is also true for the Filing Status filter which defaults to Unfiled. Be sure to set this filter to ALL when you are having trouble locating a filing. As always, feel free to contact us in chat if you need help!

Which file type should I upload from File Director?

TIF files import to the optimum size and can be split and re-ordered as opposed to a JPEG file type. If a TIF file is available, it’s recommended choosing this option instead of a JPEG. If a PDF is an option, this type is also ideal.

I accidentally entered an incorrect DCS#. Can this be corrected?

You betcha! Simply send our concierge team a message in the chat bubble and let us know what you’d like corrected and we’ll take care of that for you.

Can I edit a filing after it has been submitted to the court?

Once submitted, the filing immediately is sent to the court for review. Because it has already been sent, it cannot be modified or cancelled. For any corrections or cancellations, a request to the court to have the filing rejected would need to be submitted.

Why is my document from File Director only importing the first page?

 That is a great question! And it’s one that our team is working diligently to resolve. In the meantime, you can download the document from File Director and upload it into GovLink.

Still don’t have an answer? No worries! Our GovLink concierges are just a click away in the chat bubble ready to lend a hand! We’d love to help!

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