Quick Guide: File into Existing Case

See the “Find an Existing Case” section to locate the Case to file into.

Once located: 

  • Click “File Into Case” to launch the Filing Wizard.
    • The Case and Party information will auto populate based on the existing case data.
  • Drag and Drop the Document into the Drop Zone or click “Select File” to choose files from the user’s system.
  • Select the Document Type from the drop-down list.
    • This is a required field.
  • Add a description into the description field.
    • This is an optional field.
  • Click “Next” to proceed to the Summary tab.

Tips and Tricks: Click the “Follow” icon to turn notifications for this case on or off.


  • Review the Documents and other pertinent Case information.
  • To assign this filing to a different user, select that User’s name from the drop-down box.
  • Add any internal notes.
    • This is optional and only visible within GovLink.
  • When ready to File to the Court (permissions based) – Click the Checkbox next to “I consent to sign and deliver these documents to (Court Name)”
  • Click File.

To exit the File Wizard, select “Save” and close.