
Notifications are available within GovLink, as well as via email. Users can find the in-app Notifications in the top right-hand corner of their GovLink dashboard. Users may view their in-app notifications by clicking the bell icon.

Users may mark a Notification as read by clicking the checkbox to the right of the line item or may mark all current Notifications as read by clicking the ‘Mark all as read’ option. Users may also select whether they wish to show all notifications or only Unread notifications by toggling the slider, “Only show unread” at the top of the Notifications screen.

By default, all in-app notifications are turned on, but each user may change their selections by clicking their user profile in the upper right corner, selecting Notifications, then expanding the Filing Administration section.


  • Work Group Que Assignment: Will notify a user when a filing has been assigned to a work group that you are a member of.

FAMILY/DOMESTIC – Filing Administration

  • Assignment Change: Once a filing has been assigned to a different user, this notification will be sent to the user who created the filing, the assigned user, and anyone following that particular case.
  • External Case Update: Occurs when someone who is external to a CSE office files into the case. This notification will be more applicable when eFiling.
  • Filing Accepted: Will notify users who have created a filing and/or following a case when a filing has been manually accepted.
  • Filing Deleted: Will notify users who are following a case when a filing has been deleted.Filing Rejected: Will notify users who are following a case when a filing has been manually rejected.
  • Filing Submitted: Will notify users who are following a case when a filing has been downloaded & filed within Govlink.


  • Referral Accepted: Will notify users who have created a filing/referral and users who are following a case when a referral has been accepted.
  • Referral Created: Will notify users who have created a filing and users who are following a case when a referral has been created.
  • Referral Rejected: Will notify users who have created a filing/referral and users who are following a case when a referral has been rejected.
  • Referral Sent: Will notify users who have created a filing and users who are following a case when a referral has been sent.