Quick Guide: Processing Rejected Filings

GovLink provides the tools to delete or rework filings that have been rejected by the Clerk’s office. 

Deleting a Rejected Filing

“Delete” (the trash can icon) allows the user to delete Rejected Filings they created but are no longer needed. 

Note: Users with proper permissions, can also delete Rejected Filings created by others, but are no longer needed.

To Delete a Filing – 

  • Locate the Filing you want to Delete
  • Click the trash can
  • Confirm you want to continue by click Delete on the pop-up box that appears.

To abandon deleting this record, click Cancel in the pop-up box. 

Deleting a filing will result in notifications to followers of the Filing.

Reworking a Rejected Filing

The Rework icon allows users to open the Filing and correct the problem(s) that resulted in Rejection. 

To begin reworking a Filing –

  • Click the Rework icon to the right of the Rejected filing. 
  • A pop-up box indicating that continuing will change this Filing’s status from ‘Rejected’ to ‘Unfiled’ appears; to proceed, click OK. To return to the menu without reworking this filing, click Cancel. 
  • After clicking OK, the Filing Stepper will be loaded to step #3, Documents, as this is most commonly the area that needs attention to get the Filing approved. 
  • The reason(s) for Rejection can be viewed by hovering your mouse over the red exclamation point at the top of the Filing Stepper. Whatever the clerk’s office entered for Rejection reason(s) will be displayed here and remains visible upon hovering throughout the File Stepper. 
  • Using the rejection reasons as your guide, edit, delete, split, sign, and/or add documents as needed. If a document is locked and needs to be edited, click the Rework icon next to that document to unlock it and then you can proceed to edit, split, or sign as usual. 
  • Sometimes, a rejection reason may indicate a problem with the Case information or Parties; if so, click Previous in the File Stepper to navigate to the appropriate screen and make the necessary changes there. When finished, click Next to proceed to the next step.
  • When you believe you have made all of the appropriate and needed changes, updates, etc., proceed to the next step in your standard operating procedure for this Filing just like you would if it were the first time you were working on it and it hadn’t been rejected. I.E., assign to the next person who should work on or review it or even file it.
  • Reworking a Rejected filing will trigger all of the usual notifications to users who are following the filing. If users have their notifications turned on, they will receive emails notifying them of changes to assignment or status just like they would with a new Filing.